Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Don't Believe the Statistics"

When we first learned of the mass on my Dad's pancreas we found out that he would require a "Whipple" surgery to remove the tumor and give him the best long-term prospects.  We are fortunate to live in Utah with some of the best cancer facilities and physicians in the world. In our research we learned that there is a wide range of success outcomes and that who does the surgery is the key factor.  I am in pharmaceutical sales and know a couple hundred primary care doctors throughout the state.  I asked around 10 of the doctors, of whom I have a high opinion, who they would recommend do this surgery.  One name came enthusiastically to the top of the list - Legrand Belnap.  After overcoming a couple of obstacles we got an appointment with Dr Belnap and he has been in my father's care ever since.  We have full confidence in this doctor.

At the end of our first appointment with Dr Belnap I asked him for a prognosis.  He said that he didn't want to give a prognosis until they do the whipple surgery and they know exactly what we are dealing with.  However his next statement gave me a lot of hope, he said "Don't Believe the Statistics".  When learning of his diagnosis our family, like any would have, frantically began doing research.  Some of what you read online can be pretty grim, and indeed he is in a very dangerous situation, however Dr Belnap said that the statistics in his clinic are much better than what is described online.

Some other things we know about my Dad's current condition:

1 - As far as the scan showed the cancer has not spread to his liver and lymph nodes, if this were the case my dad would not be eligible for surgery and the prognosis would not be good.

2 -  Those who have a successful Whipple surgery normally recover and resume a normal quality of life.  Most live for 2-5 years and some are completely cured.

3 - There is still a possibility that this is a benign tumor or some other type of mass

Please pray for our father!  We love him enormously and have faith that he can make a strong recovery.


  1. We love you Mom and Dad, - Matt & da' kids.

  2. We think about and pray for you guys daily. We know how hard it is to receive life-altering news like this. :( Let us know if there is any kind of family fast for the surgery as we would love to be involved and let us know if there is anything we can do for any of you.
    And now I call that all of our extended family be checked off the "has a hard trial" list. I think we're pretty good for the next while, am I right?
    Love you guys. xoxox
